
The Complete Who's Who of Digital Health.

The Digital Health List is a database of digital health companies and what they do. It's a consolidated resource for doctors, patients, startups, and investors to see which companies are tackling which health problems and with which approaches.  

The Digital Health List

Use the buttons on the top left to add filters and apply sorting. Use the magnifying glass on the top right to search through the database.

Last updated on 22 May 2016.           Best viewed on a computer instead of mobile. 

Creative Commons License The Digital Health List by Lina A. Colucci is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. You should reference it with: Colucci, Lina Avancini. The Digital Health List. [The date you accessed it.].

How do I stay up to date with this site?


Infographics, analytics, interviews are more are forthcoming! Stay up to date with health innovation news by signing up here:

We need your help. 

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We need your help to make The Digital Health List complete. Let us know if a company is missing or any information is incorrect. We'll fix it as quickly as possible. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!


So what exactly is Digital Health?

Good question. It's hard to find a universally accepted definition. The Digital Health List is a database of any company tackling a health problem with 21st century technology or 21st century business models. Paul Sonnier at The Story of Digital Health has a good and broad definition: 

Digital Health is the convergence of the digital and genomic revolutions with health, healthcare, living, and society. More...

We're not picky. If there's a company developing new health tech, making people healthier, or making healthcare easier for anyone, they'll be on our list. 

What is the goal of The Digital Heath List?

The goal of The Digital Health List is to be a complete, crowdsourced database of digital health companies and what they do. It's a consolidated resource for doctors, patients, and other startups to see which companies are tackling which health problems and with which approaches. Possible use-cases of The Digital Health List include:

Brainstorm Tool: Filter through all the companies doing all activity tracking. There are lot of companies doing tracking for cyclists and runners but maybe no-one developing specific algorithms for XYZ sport... this could be you! 

Pre-Startup Phase: Thinking of entering a particular market? See all the other companies tackling that same problem. 

Understand Market Trends: What types of digital health companies have gotten the most funding? From who? What companies have most recently been founded? Understand the Digital Health market by having information at your fingertips. 

How do I reference The Digital Health List?

The Digital Health List by Lina A. Colucci is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. This means that you can use the information for non-commercial and educational purposes but must always reference where it came from. Please get in touch for using the database for commercial purposes. 

Here's how to reference the database: 
Colucci, Lina Avancini. The Digital Health List. [The date you accessed it.]

How do I contact your team?


The Digital Health List is currently the labor of love of Lina Avancini Colucci a Harvard-MIT PhD Student who builds health sensors and loves the digital health space. She would love to hear from you if you like the site, want to help out, or have suggestions for how to make it better. Reach Lina at coluccilina+digitalhealthlist[at] or on Twitter at @lina_colucci.